
Chiropractic is a practice of wellness promotion specifically dealing with the spine and the nervous system. The brain, which continues as the spinal cord, is the master controller of all the systems of the body. Chiropractic philosophy states that the body heals itself; and by maintaining the alignment of the spinal column, the spinal cord and brain will be able to function to the best of their potential. This, in turn, gives the body the best potential of health. At our office we focus on the neuromusculoskeletal system, ie. joints, muscles, and spinal alignment. We do NOT treat disease, however we anticipate better health as the body does what it was designed to do.

Alex Doten

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The Power of the Multi Modal Sports Approach

Customized, multifaceted treatment results in faster healing and stronger results.

Dr. Alex combines classic chiropractic with modern sports therapy to provide faster healing and injury prevention by utilizing many approaches of treatment. Chiropractic care together with soft tissue work and exercise allows you to return to their lives in few visits and prevent future injury. This approach gains momentum quickly to help you get back to the things you love.


Kinetisense Technology

Cutting edge technology utilizing motion capture video to analzye posture and movement patterns. This tech is highly sought after for athletes, but also calculates fall risk in the elderly and scores ergonomics in the workplace. Dr. Alex encorporates this information into his custom treatment plan for his patients. He is then able to perform a before and after exam to show the improvement. 

Soft Tissue Therapy

Manual Therapy, Stretching, IASTM, Cupping, Electrical Muscle Stimulation

Dr. Alex utilizes multiple approaches to work out tight tissues and promote healing and optimal performance.

Exercise Physiotherapy

Exercise Therapy Locks in the Healing

Exercise therapy accelerates healing and seals the deal in recovery. Dr. Alex walks patients through exercises in the office to help his patients not only recover, but prevent future injury. 

Tapestry Chiropractic

136 Main St, Suite 2
Winterport, ME

(207) 306-8086

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